Packaging 2 kg


DRY-K 30


DRY-K 30 is a high purity and readily assimilable product. It determines the strengthening of the cell walls conferring a higher mechanical resistance to damages caused by biotic and abiotic agents.
Regular applications of DRY-K 30 are recommended to prevent “fruit cracking”, which can happen in case of water excess (abundant rainfall in particular), temperature changes and an improper use of plant growth regulators. Its peculiar composition confers a high cicatrizing power in case of possible microinjuries, which can be both the starting point of cracking and growth of pathogenic agents. The presence of polyglucosamines in the formulation can activate the natural defences of the plant and allows the formation of a protective biofilm on the treated parts which reduces the incidence of fungal/bacterial infections, both in the field and, particularly, in post-harvest phases.
Its application in the pre-harvest phase prevents weight loss, regulates the evapo-transpiration processes and improves preservation, which is particularly important for products subject to refrigeration.
DRY-K 30 improves fruit organoleptic parameters (increase of dry matter and Brix) in value and time (longer shelf-life).

Culture Time of application Dose/hectare*
Table grapes 3 applications: bunch pre-closure, veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
6 kg
Wine grapes 1 application: 10-15 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
Stone fruits (Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum) 2 applications: veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
Kiwifruit 3 applications: fruit development , veraison (change of color), 15-20 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
Pome fruits (Quince, Apple, Pear) 1 application: 10-15 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
Citrus (Orange, Bergamot, Clementine, Lemon, Tangerine) 2 applications: veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
Strawberries 7 days before harvest, to be repeated every 7-10 days in accordance with the progress of maturity
4-6 Kg
Small fruits (Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Currant) 7 days before harvest, to be repeated every 7-10 days in accordance with the progress of maturity
4-6 Kg
Fruiting vegetables (Watermelon, Cucumber, Eggplant, Melon, Pepper, Tomato, Zucchini, Pumpkin) 1 application: veraison (change of color)
4-6 Kg
Leafy vegetables (Chicory, Lettuce, Radicchio, Rocket, Escarole, Celery, Spinach) 1 application: 5-7 days before harvest
4-6 Kg
  • Table grapes
    6 kg
    3 applications: bunch pre-closure, veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
  • Wine grapes
    4-6 Kg
    1 application: 10-15 days before harvest
  • Stone fruits (Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum)
    4-6 Kg
    2 applications: veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
  • Kiwifruit
    4-6 Kg
    3 applications: fruit development , veraison (change of color), 15-20 days before harvest
  • Pome fruits (Quince, Apple, Pear)
    4-6 Kg
    1 application: 10-15 days before harvest
  • Citrus (Orange, Bergamot, Clementine, Lemon, Tangerine)
    4-6 Kg
    2 applications: veraison (change of color), 10-15 days before harvest
  • Strawberries
    4-6 Kg
    7 days before harvest, to be repeated every 7-10 days in accordance with the progress of maturity
  • Small fruits (Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Currant)
    4-6 Kg
    7 days before harvest, to be repeated every 7-10 days in accordance with the progress of maturity
  • Fruiting vegetables (Watermelon, Cucumber, Eggplant, Melon, Pepper, Tomato, Zucchini, Pumpkin)
    4-6 Kg
    1 application: veraison (change of color)
  • Leafy vegetables (Chicory, Lettuce, Radicchio, Rocket, Escarole, Celery, Spinach)
    4-6 Kg
    1 application: 5-7 days before harvest


Total nitrogen (N)
Nitric nitrogen (N)
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water
Calcium oxide (CaO) soluble in water
Sulfuric anhydride (SO3) soluble in water

Chemical-physical properties


pH (sol 1%)
Conductivity E.C. μS/cm (1‰)
Method of use
  • Foliar fertilization
It is recommended to use a maximum of 300 L of water per hectare per treatment.
++ To prevent and reduce the incidence of cracking, it is highly recommended to use KAMAB 26 in the fruit growing phases.
*The choice of the dose is subordinated to various factors and can be varied when necessary. All applications can be repeated in relation to the different crop needs. You can contact our Technical Service for the correct application on specific soils and under specific climate conditions.