Wrong agricultural practices and local effects of climate change are some of the factors that may activate a severe soil degradating processes leading to a partial or even complete loss of its properties the extent of which becomes evident when the process is either irreversible or in such an advanced state to require huge efforts in terms of money and time to be reversed.
According to FAO, 33% of soils are degraded and with salinity, compactness, acidification and lack of nutrients problems. The direct consequence on the agricultural system is a progressive loss of crops’ productivity.
A more rational and eco-friendly soil management, with beneficial effects on the rooting system, is necessary to guarantee optimal productive levels.
With this in mind K‑Adriatica has developed solutions where polyphenoles and organic acids, coupled with an accurate selection of mycorrhiza and bacteria, allow the improvement of the soil’s structure, the acidification of soils with a high pH, the reduction of damage due to salinity excesses and the restoration of a proper soil-plant balance.
The K‑Adriatica MANAGEMENT OF THE RHIZOSPHERE line includes